When you own horses it is important to see that they have safe and comfortable surroundings. Rubber mats for horse stables goes along way towards providing these two essential needs.
These large animals average in weight of about 1,000 pounds. Most times they are kept outdoors where they can move about freely. However, when stall-kept they do stay cleaner and are less likely to get bitten up by insects in the pasture or scars from fencing, etc.
If there is a run-in shed in the pasture or a shelter in a corral these are the perfect solution to keep a barrier between ground and hoofs, especially if there is inclement weather happening.
If a horse is kept in a stable, or box stall, they are more prone to colic, boredom and leg problems (from lack of movement). One way to cushion the stall is with thick rubber. This is a great barrier between the concrete floor and the hoofs. On top there is usually a bedding material laid down for the horses to rest, such as straw, chips or shavings.
Rubber mats not only cushion feet, legs and joints of the large animal but also are easier to keep the individual stalls, within the stables, clean and sanitary. This is of the utmost importance when horses are kept indoors.
These usually come in a 1/2″ – 3/4″ thickness and a 4’x 6′ or 4’x 8′ dimension, and are also available in other sizes and even as “rolled” so that it can be cut to fit any custom size that is needed. They are very heavy and are very durable. They can have either a smooth finish or an anti-slip type of surface. Depending on where and how the mats are to be used will determine which size and finish is chosen.
Once the style and size needed for a particular application has been determined then all that is left is to purchase. Local feed stores will usually carry them as well as purchasing through catalogs or online. While at it think about purchasing a couple pair of vice grips. This is an easier way of moving and locating them into the position where they are needed.
Taking into account how affordable, durable and long lasting they are makes them well worth the investment to ensure that the large animal is comfortable while kept in the stall. There are, however, many other uses where they can perform.
Stable aisle ways, horse and livestock trailers, garages, machine shops (reduces noise and vibration of machinery) and also the “wash rack”. These mats also make great truck bed liners! So not only are you providing relief from long periods of standing on a hard surface and alleviating fatigue and muscle soreness: the environment benefits from the recycling of rubber products that would otherwise be sitting in a landfill.
When stabling, or box-stalling, the horse make sure to think about the floor they will be standing on for the better part of each and every day and the importance of the cushioning that is needed for those four feet, legs and muscles. To avoid unnecessary injury and strains, as well as the possible veterinarian bills that go along with these conditions, make sure to lay down rubber mats for horse stables to provide a safe cushion for your large animals.