Top 10 Ways To Slow Down The Aging Process
My grandmother used to say to me “Don’t get old Sherry” and she was right if you do not feel well more often than not and do not have enough energy to make it through the day and enjoy yourself into retirement. The time to start slowing down the aging process is NOW. Here are my top ten ways to do just that:

1. EAT MINI-MEALS every 3-4 hours – this helps stabilize blood sugar levels throughout the day and will not put undue stress on your digestive system. Make sure they are nutrient dense with plenty of WHOLE FOODS from the produce section at every mini-meal.
2. EAT LESS SUGAR – sugar compromises your immune system and we have learned that HIGH-GLYCEMIC foods are now associated with cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
3. WORRY LESS ABOUT CHOLESTEROL – this tends to divert our attention from the bigger … Read More